Wedding Invitation Wording Etiquette | Bride’s Father Deceased

If you are reading this, I am truly sorry that your father has passed away. Weddings can be tough for a bride who had a special relationship with her dad and was looking forward to him walking her down the aisle.

Should you include your father’s name on the wedding invitation even if he has passed away?

This is entirely up to you. Some people want to honor their dad by putting his name on the invitation. If your father passed away a long time ago, or your mom is remarried, you may decide to not include your deceased father’s name on the wedding invitation. Either decision is absolutely fine.

Wedding Invitation Wording Examples with Deceased Father’s Name Included

Decorum #1 – A Deceased Parent Cannot Do the Inviting
This can be a bit tricky when it comes to your wedding invites wording. Technically, because the bride’s father is deceased, he cannot invite people to the wedding. However, you want his name to be included in an elegant and honoring way.

One way of doing this is to add the word “the late” before the father’s name.

Here is one example as to how this might work when the bride and groom are hosting the wedding:

Susan T. Smith
daughter of Kathy J. Smith and the late Thomas K. Smith
Harold B. Gotham
son of William and Mary Gotham
invite you to share the joy of their marriage

Here is an example as to how this might work when the bride’s mother is hosting the wedding:

Kathy J. Smith
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage of
Susan T. Smith
daughter of Kathy J. Smith and the late Thomas K. Smith
Harold B. Gotham
son of William and Mary Gotham

Wedding Invitation Wording Examples without Deceased Father’s Name Included

If you chose to not include your father’s name, wedding invite wording becomes a lot less tricky and open’s up a lot more wording options. Check out our wedding invitation wording page that displays a variety of wording options based on your family situation. Click on the appropriate square in the chart to see many examples that could work for a single/widowed parent.

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